


Important Questions One Should Ask a Care Provider


Care at Home

Choosing a home care provider to take care of you or a loved one is such a crucial decision. You want to find a provider who you trust to come into your home and who has the skills and experience to handle your specific needs.

Expert Senior Care, Apno Jaisi

Choosing a home care provider to take care of you or a loved one is such a crucial decision. You want to find a provider who you trust to come into your home and who has the skills and experience to handle your specific needs.

With the growing population of elders in India requiring some form of care services, whether in-home or at a care home, and with multiple players in the market, it’s no surprise that choosing the right care services for seniors can seem like a daunting task While there are many crucial factors to consider when choosing the best care partner to meet the needs of a senior, the following questions can help guide you during your initial meeting with a home healthcare provider:

What services does the care-at-home partner provide?

Not all partners are qualified for the same services. While this question depends on what the needs are, it’s a promising idea to understand what services the partner offers, what are they known for in the market, and what age group they target the most. Let the partner tell you exactly what their care providers do because they might be qualified to do services that you haven’t considered or supplement or extend services that an elderly might need in a near future. 

Does the care-at-home partner work with the treating doctor in developing a care plan?

 Most care-at-home partners will work directly with your doctor in arranging and planning the care chart for the elderly. Certainly, in case you require care beyond that associated with activities of daily living, the respective doctor should be involved with managing medical problems, preparing a treatment plan with short- and long-term goals, and reassessing the treatment plan when necessary.

Can the care-at-home partner be reached 24/7?

 Situations may arise when you need to cancel a visit or schedule additional care. Someone from the care-at-home partner should be available at any time to make these unscheduled requests and emergencies.

Does the care-at-home partner provide a way for families to keep track of the care schedule?

Schedules and circumstances can change regularly, so one will want to be able to reach a scheduler when they need to request an adjustment in hours than were initially expected. Unanticipated circumstances, such as doctor visits or hospitalizations, will need to be handled as they occur. The care-at-home partner should expect this and be willing to adjust schedules as needed.

If I don’t like my caregiver, can I request someone different?

You should always feel comfortable enough with the partner to turn down a caregiver and request someone different if it’s not the right fit. Diligent care at-home partners will also be concerned with continuity of care. Having a dedicated caregiver can often be beneficial because they’ve learned your or your loved one’s routine.

Can the partner customize the plan of services to my unique care needs?

A good partner understands that family situations and needs are never “one-size-fits-all,” so you’ll want care at home service which can meet your broader health needs and a well-matched caregiver who understands your individual needs.

Does the partner have backup staff if the primary caregiver needs to cancel a shift?

Inevitably, your regular care provider might have an unexpected life event that will prevent them from taking care of you or your family member. Care at-home service partners should have adequate staffing to send a backup.

With Antara’s Care at Home services, you do not simply choose a trusted healthcare partner, rather, you welcome a mix of personalized care and attention, all under the guidance and supervision of reputed clinicians. A diligent team of highly trained professionals, with a keen eye for detail, delivers care in the comfort of your home.

Services – ranging from nursing care and physiotherapy to quality diagnostics among many more – provide quality care at your doorstep. To know more, call +91 9811441111 or visit https://www.antaraseniorcare.com/care-at-homes.

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